Charlene Lam
Introductory Unpacking Grief Call
Make space for your grief. Our everyday lives rarely give us safe, non-judgmental spaces to talk about our losses or just unload.

You are not alone. As a certified grief coach, I offer a range of ways to hold space for your losses, better understand your grief and cope with what you're experiencing.
Explore creative ways to remember. Curious about how you might Curate Grief or use creativity into your grief process? Bring your ideas and questions, and we can make a plan for your own creative grief project. 

Book an individual, introductory call for support sooner, to try out grief coaching or while you wait for availability for ongoing sessions.

Your Introductory Unpacking Grief Coaching Call includes:
  • 90min video call via Zoom
  • Recording on request
  • Follow-up by email from Charlene within a week with a personalized video recapping and reflecting on what was shared and discussed, recommendations for resources and/or next steps.
  • If you decide to proceed with a full grief coaching package within a month of our call, $50 from this fee will be applied to your coaching package.

You'll have the option to book a time after payment HOWEVER don't worry if you don't see an available time that works for you. I always reserved unlisted times for clients, so we can find a time together by email.

Questions? Contact me at [email protected]

Want to hop on a free consult first? Book here

I look forward to working with you!

- Charlene Lam, certified grief coach and curator of The Grief Gallery

Note: Coaching and coaching consultations are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, contact 911 or your local emergency services.
This package includes
  • 1 x 90 min appointment via Zoom
  • Follow-up recap and resources via email and personalized video from Charlene
  • $50 credit toward a standard grief coaching package, if booked within 1mo of initial call