Jessica  Magee
Chemistry Call

A coaching chemistry call is an essential first step toward reaching your goals.  It's a vital opportunity for you and me to connect and discuss your hopes and expectations for your coaching journey.

This 30-minute one-on-one video session is designed to provide an open forum to ask questions and voice any concerns you may have. It will also allow me to explain my coaching process in detail including discussing the methodology, and briefly overview what the following sessions will look like.

This call is not just about gathering information; it's about fostering a safe and comfortable environment. It's about ensuring you feel secure and ready to embark on this journey with me.

Rest assured, everything discussed in the call will be held in strict confidence.

My goal is to ensure you leave the call feeling heard and understood and have a clear vision of the path ahead.

Whether you choose to proceed with my coaching program or not, I believe this call will provide valuable insights and clarity.

Congratulations on doing the hardest part...Taking the first step! 
This package includes
  • (1) 30 mins video call and an opportunity for you and I to connect and discuss your hopes and expectations for your coaching journey.
Client Feedback
“ Such an unexcepted blessing Jessica has been. She has made such an impact in my life, from pushing and challenging me to do better to always being uplifting. Jessica really is a special and gifted woman with a heart of gold and a contagiously positive energy. ”
— Devon
“ I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. I was very skeptical when I started the discovery call but I honestly didn't want it end, lol. Jessica was very informative but not in a pushy or clinical way. The way she phrases her questions made me feel very comfortable, almost like I was talking to an old friend. ”
— Marlena
“ Jessica was very informative and answered all of my questions during the call. I told her I was unsure if she was the right person to work with, and she was still smiling. She told me she completely understood and wished me well on my journey to reaching my goal. She even offered to refer me to some other coaches and sent me a journaling exercise to help me while searching for the right fit. ”
— Jeffery