Life Outside the Binary ™ Signature Package

You are your greatest investment. 

As a Life Transitions Coach, I help families navigate change.  Sometimes I work w/ the parent(s); other times I work with the teen/young adult. 

Our work together is tailored to you and your present needs.  We dive deep, connect with and lean into your inner wisdom, rely on strengths, learn from weak areas, stay grounded and present as you evolve into your next highest self.

I offer three ways to work with me (see below ). Three different payment options make my work accessible to more individuals. 
Contributing Level , $2,700 - you have means to access this care and pay it forward for others
Sustaining Level, $1,800 - you are in a secure place to invest in growth for yourself
Receiving Level, $1,200 - you have limited resources currently & are in a position to receive

Choose the level that feels aligned for you and opt for a one-time payment or payment plan. 
This package includes

12 sessions coaching package, weekly or bi-weekly

(sessions expire 6 months from purchase)
Our work together includes:
  • 12 x 45 minute appointments 
  • 1:1 coaching
  • Voxer support (confidential, "walkie talkie" like app you can use between sessions)
  • get clarity in a neutral, nonjudgemental space
  • deepen your connection to your inner wisdom
  • learn to trust yourself above all
  • create love/compassion for self & others
  • increase self-confidence
  • advocate for your needs with ease
  • methodology in identity work, clarifying core values and processing emotions

***Important: Session reschedule/cancellation requires 48 hour notice. 
$449 + 2 payments of $400 (monthly)
$499 + 2 payments of $400 (every 2 months)
$649 + 2 payments of $600 (monthly)
$699 + 2 payments of $600 (every 2 months)
$949 + 2 payments of $900 (monthly)
$999 + 2 payments of $900 (every 2 months)
Client Feedback
“ I'm excited to work on that space between the stimulus and how I choose to respond! So cool! Bring on the 4N's (notice, normalize, neutralize, next best thought/action)!! You are amazing and I'm so thankful to have you in my life. ”
— Jen, WA
“ I have watched my child's [teen's] confidence grow because of your coaching talent. You've achieved superstar status in my household! ”
— Maureen, MD
“ I’m learning to walk again in my life. This [life coaching] is like a navigation tool and teaches me how to deal with this big transformation. I’m changing the territory in my life; I need a compass and navigation tool and this is really helpful for me. ”
— Aleks, N. Macedonia
“ My mind was blown from what Meagan was explaining to me. ”
— Rebecca, TX