Laura Parrott Perry
Complimentary Discovery Session (Life Coaching)
This 30-minute complimentary session will allow us to get to know one another,  clarify what you can expect from the coaching process, and identify areas of your life where you feel there are opportunities for growth and transformation. Once you book I'll send you a brief form to fill out that will help me better understand where you're at in terms of satisfaction with your life so that we're able to hit the ground running in our discovery session.
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min Complimentary Discovery Session
Client Feedback
“ Working with Laura Parrott Perry has been life changing for me. Her impact and coaching extended far beyond goal-setting - it was a journey of self discovery. Armed with practical strategies and unwavering support, I’ve achieved not only my objectives but also a newfound understanding of my strengths. If you’re ready for a transformative venture towards personal and professional success, Laura is the perfect partner! ”
— Jennifer