Laura Parrott Perry
Family Recovery Coaching
As a person in long-term recovery who has worked in the treatment field for more than five years, I have a personal and professional understanding of the suffering experienced when addiction is present in the family system.  

So much of what constitutes healthy support and love for someone battling substance use disorder is counterintuitive and difficult to manage without help. I love working with families as they pursue their own parallel recovery and learn to set and hold healthy boundaries and practice self-care so that if and when their loved one finds recovery there is a relationship to come back to.

These sessions can be utilized by groups of up to four adults willing to engage in sessions together.
This package includes
  • One payment of $400 per month
  • 2 x 50 min appointments each month (up to four adults can participate in the sessions)
  • Text/phone support between sessions as needed
  • Individualized resource package for family
$400 / month
Client Feedback
“ I have been on the receiving end of her family coaching when my partner’s 17-year-old son was in trouble. It was complicated and messy, as most families are. Laura taught me that. Laura continued to check on all of us during the most intense part of the journey, and she's never left us. I think that is Laura's magic; she stays even after she's finished her work. ”
— Shelley
“ I reached out to Laura to help me. I felt powerless, hurt, terrified and furious. She helped me to understand the disease of alcoholism and its effects on the family. She helped me set up boundaries and taught me how to enforce them lovingly but unwaveringly. I was able to regain my confidence and learned how to take care of myself. He has recently returned from treatment. Laura continues to guide me through this family journey. If your situation sounds similar to mine, the greatest investment you can make in yourself is to call Laura. ”
— Beth