Mattia Mauree
Love Your Brain Group Coaching + Coworking
You're already in the Love Your Brain course and are looking for group support. For example, you may be looking for:
  • AuDHD-friendly accountability as you take next steps
  • Targeted advice around your project or business
  • A social space of people that understand you and really "get it"
  • Dependable way to get unstuck

About the Calls:

There are 3 coaching calls (50+ min) and 3 co-working calls (~2 hrs) every month. There will be occasional bonus co-working scheduled ad hoc.
This is a monthly subscription that you can start or stop easily at any time.

All calls on Zoom, with special attention paid to accessibility. Coaching calls will be recorded, with option to pause recording if there's anything you don't want saved for personal reasons.  

The calls were designed around the following time zones: US East/West, UTC, Mumbai, and Sydney. We have flexibility to adjust call times, especially based on the latter time zones (available once you sign up). You'll have access to a Google Calendar with all call details and Zoom links.  

December 2024 will either have all calls in the first two weeks, or have no calls and the membership cost will automatically pause. You'll get plenty of heads up around any changes along these lines. 

Initial Scheduling Details:

Starting June 2024 (note that July is the same, and may shift based on cohort needs):

Week 1 (i.e. first full week of month): Coaching Mon 7pm EDT (4p PDT, 11p UTC, 9a AEST), Tues 4pm EDT (1p PDT, 8pUTC, 6a AEST). Co-working Fri 10a-12p EDT (7-9a PDT, 2-4p UTC, 7:30-9:30p IST).

Week 3: Co-working Mon 6-8p EDT (3-5p PDT, 8-10a AEST) & Fri 12-2p EDT (9-11a PDT, 4-6p UTC, 9:30-11:30p IST). Coaching Fri 10a EDT (7a PDT, 2p UTC, 7:30p IST).

Coaching calls are 50m, and may run long. Co-working starts to wrap up 15m before the second hour, with time to chat or check in if desired.
Mattia will sign off after 10 minutes if no one shows up or says they're running late.


Check your time zone against all of the above here.
Looking for the Individual one-on-one Coaching?

Please email [email protected] if: 
  • You have questions about group coaching or co-working. 
  • You have accessibility needs beyond the following on Zoom: Captioning, Recording, option to have camera/audio on or off, option to type in chat instead of speaking
  • You're in a time zone between Asia & Australia. You'll receive a discount code as only 1/3-2/3rds of the calls will work for you. 
  • Please do NOT reach out about rescheduling calls for your time zone: we will ONLY do this for folks who are already signed up! If we can't find a schedule that works for you, you'll get a refund, or a 1:1 coaching call with Mattia.

For visual folks, here are screenshots of the initial June calls for reference, in EDT
This package includes
  • 3 Co-working calls per month (~2 hours each)
  • 3 Group Coaching calls per month (50m each, may run long)
  • Call times that reflect most time zones!
  • Flexibility to reschedule calls based on time zone needs
  • Light support available via email
$150 / month