Mattia Mauree
Love Your Brain: 3 Session Support
You're already in the Love Your Brain course and are looking for individual support. For example, you may be looking for:
  • Specific advice around your project or business
  • Additional skills/tools to feel better, or get out of Survival State more easily
  • External support around executive function, or any other part of the process that's tough

Suggested use of the sessions: 
  1. Near beginning of course: orient, plan, get started more easily
  2. The first time you feel really "stuck," or need help experimenting
  3. Near end of course and/or project: support finishing, next steps to move forward, and/or reconfiguring if you've headed in a different direction (plus celebrating, of course!)

During the sessions, we treat resistance as a road map to the deep wisdom of your unconscious mind (which rules most of our actions). We work with any blocks to help get you into effortless motion, even if you've been experiencing inertia for a long time.

Between sessions, you have access to email coaching for smaller questions, details, clarifications, etc. For example, if you're looking for a resource, or have a question about what you're working on. You're welcome to send anything on your mind!

By the end, you'll have a plan for moving forward, including strategy for ongoing support, accountability, and integration. 


  • You have six months to use your sessions
  • I recommend sessions every 1-3 weeks for ongoing momentum
  • The appointments hold 60 min on my calendar, because I aim to leave your nervous system in a settled state and that sometimes takes extra time. 

Looking for the Group Coaching

The sliding scale & payment plan options are totally up to you. No need to ask permission!
This package includes
  • 3 x 45 min appointments
  • Option to record sessions
  • Creative advising via email between sessions if needed
3 payments of $290 (weekly)
3 payments of $190 (weekly)
Client Feedback
“ You do excellent work and the sessions we had helped me process so much trauma around work and money. A few weeks later it's all starting to come together in my mind and I know that it's a short distance from there to making it a reality. ”
— M. S.
“ I don't have specific diagnoses of all my neurodivergent experiences, but Mattia validated them and offered useful insight on how to work with my brain in a kind way. I loved that their approach wasn't about tricking or forcing the brain or body to do things, but understanding the barriers and safety mechanisms that get in the way of doing what I want. We moved at my own pace, and attended to real issues around energy levels and preventing burnout. I benefited from getting to talk through my goals, aspirations, struggles, blocks, breakthroughs and small victories, both. We worked on concrete systems as well as broader concepts like self-compassion and making decisions with more confidence and ease. ”
— Anonymous
“ It was a relief to feel like what I was going through was totally normal, and that they had ways to help me. They didn't act like I just hadn't tried hard enough or that I'd been doing anything wrong at all. They simply listened to what I have been struggling with and said, 'Yes, I know where you're coming from, you're not alone, and I can help you.' I felt like I could just be honest, and that they could take me there, and that there was nothing wrong with the way I was. ”
— Kimber Dutton, Just Be Your Bad Self Podcast