Strengths Coaching Session
Strengths-based coaching focuses on improving what you naturally do well while managing your weaknesses. It explores how you do what you do. Your top five talent themes are unique to you. The odds of someone else having your same top five themes are 1 in 33 million!

What can you expect?
  1. You will receive an email within 48 hours of booking your Strengths Coaching Session with instructions for taking the CliftonStrengths assessment.  If you do not see the email, please check your spam folder. If you do not receive the email within 48 hours, please email me at [email protected]. If you need any help, this article should walk you through how to access the assessment.
  2. After you complete the CliftonStrengths assessment, you'll receive a customized report from Gallup that explains your talent themes. 
  3. After I receive your results from Gallup, I will send an email with additional resources to help you understand your report and prepare for your coaching session. 
  4. Please allow at least one week between completing the assessment and your coaching session so I can send your additional resources and you can have time to process your results.

What will we talk about during the Strengths Coaching session?
We can focus your coaching session on whatever will best serve you. Some options include:
  • Exploring how your top five talent themes weave together in your life.
  • Exploring how to invest in improving one of your talents into a world-class strength.
  • Exploring questions you have about strengths or your report.

I've already taken the Clifton Strengths Assessment. Should I take it again?
Your results should still be relevant, but there are a few circumstances in which you might want to retake the assessment.
  • You took it right before or after a traumatic life event.
  • You took it in your non-native language.
  • You were distracted when you took it.
  • You took it in school or early in life, and at least ten years have passed.
  • You were not authentic in your responses the first time you completed the assessment.
Coaching calls are recorded for training and certification purposes. I review most calls so I can continue to improve and grow as a coach. I occasionally review sessions with my mentor coach and may submit your call for a certification. 
This package includes
  • One 60-min coaching session
  • CliftonStrengths assessment 
  • Additional strengths-based coaching resources