Stoic Mom
Complimentary Discovery Session
We'll talk through your unique situation and what you hope to gain from coaching. This will help us discover whether our communication styles work well together and if we both think I can help you to make the changes you'd like to experience in your life. Prior to our meeting, you'll receive an email with a form to help you know what to expect and to prepare for our discovery conversation. 

It's important that you know ahead of time that I’m on a mission to help destabilized moms reorient to life in a way that feels more empowering, engaging, and meaningful.  

Reclaim a sense of agency by reorienting to Life, viewing any “obstacle as the way.” What does this mean? It means befriending your emotions and using them as information. It means recognizing that anything that seems to be in the way of what we want for ourselves probably has very important information for us. It’s about adopting a learning orientation that gives you power because you know how to use any circumstance to better yourself. By making the unconscious conscious, you increase your options in any given situation. You take charge of the quality of your Life and no longer feel like a victim of your circumstances. You understand free will and you embrace it, along with the responsibility that comes with it. 

Doing this work will not eliminate tragic circumstances or difficult emotions from your Life. These are universal to the human experience. But if we’re open to it, we can allow these experiences to break our hearts open, allowing in more Life because we no longer fear discomfort; we can recognize the invitation to increase our capacity for all of it. The rewards of this work aren’t happiness, but more Life. Plus, when you befriend your emotions, you attune to them in a way that gives you a guidance system. Now, should you choose, you get to orient toward that which makes you feel most alive. You have gifts this world needs, and you discover them by attuning to what energizes you. What’s calling you? Let your feel goods show you the way. 

This is also an orientation. Our worldview will often determine whether we live in a reductionist, random world that chews us up and spits us out without ever really seeing us, or we can learn to see meaning everywhere and experience knowing that our lives have value because we are integral to that meaning. We can create practices that remind us that we are always, in the words of Dr. Lisa Miller, “loved, held, guided, and never alone.” Could this really be a simple choice available to each of us? Only if you claim your free will and create a conscious world view that orients you toward Life’s meaning. 
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min appointments