Stoic Mom
helping destabilized moms reorient to Life in a way that feels more empowering, engaging, and meaningful
Complimentary Discovery Session
Complimentary Discovery Session to see if we're a good fit to work together. 
Evolving Mom: Transformation (Introductory Price)
Evolving Mom
(6 month transformation
Reorient to the problem of parenting a trans-identified child, rediscover your intuition, and regain solid ground--so you can reclaim your life! 
Evolving Mom: Breakthrough (Introductory Price)
Evolving Mom
(3 month breakthrough
Reorient to the problem of parenting a trans-identified child, rediscover your intuition, and regain solid ground--so you can reclaim your life! 
Would you benefit from coaching?
Coaching requires a financial investment and results vary depending on your readiness for the process. It can be completely transformational, injecting your life with meaning, purpose, and vitality--or it can feel like a frustrating waste of time and money. This free survey can help you determine whether coaching is right for you. 
Persona/Shadow mini course with persona quiz
A mini-course designed to help you with making the unconscious conscious, learn about the four main feminine archetypes (according to Jung's female colleague, Toni Wolff) and how they show up in your persona. Understanding how and why the ego develops our persona and shadow can help us begin to integrate parts of ourselves needed to feel whole. 
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