Delainne Bond
Medical Records Review
ProMedView has a growing network of Long COVID medical and clinical specialists to assist with medical records reviews. 

This is ideal for those looking for help understanding what your labs and test results are saying, or if you need a formal review and report summarizing your medical status. 

To get started, please complete this questionnaire.  This questionnaire can be used for future discussions with your care team. You also have an option to upload a video of your Long COVID story.

(1) 1:1 Results Review
During your session we will go over your questionnaire and/or medical records of your choosing.  Our reviewers have nursing backgrounds so they can help you understand what your records are saying and help you identify areas to focus on in your recovery.  We recommend starting with diagnostic reports, hospital records, or treatment notes.

(2) Review with Written Report
If you are in need of support for a disability claim, social security, or legal action, our nurses can review records and generate a written report.   To prepare for this, please upload any medical records pertinent to your request.  We will use the 50-minute session to develop a plan and provide a cost estimate.

Records reviews are billed at 200 pages/hour.  Time required for the written report will vary based on the volume of records and any research required to support conclusions. Anticipate a review session to go over the report when completed.  Additional sessions to answer questions and review progress may be requested.

*DISCLAIMER:  This session is NOT intended to be used for urgent medical issues and is NOT to be considered medical care.  We do NOT provide diagnosis, treatment or medical care. Participants should consult their doctor before making any changes in medications (including natural supplements), diet or exercise.
This package includes
  • Health status questionnaire you can share with your doctors
  • 50-minute consultation (you may invite a guest to support you)
  • 30 days FREE access to the MyAdvocate App, a cutting-edge tool to monitor your lung and health status. 

Client Feedback
“ I needed a summary of my medical status for a lawsuit, and the ProMedView nurses did a great job reviewing my medical records and putting a report together. ”
— Tammy W.
“ I didn't understand why my doctor kept telling me nothing was wrong when some of my labs were not normal. The nurse went through all of the results with me and explained what they meant. She helped me figure out what questions to ask my doctor and gave me suggestions for other tests I should ask for that the doctor hadn't tested for. Very helpful. ”
— Laura D.