Christine McDougall
Syntropic Coaching and Mentoring
A Year of Syntropy - Transformation from business-as-usual to Syntropic Enterprise 12 Month

Single Session Returning Client

If you have worked with Christine before and you would like to book a single session, this is the place.
6 Sessions useable over 6 months
You would like to purchase sessions and book them on a needs basis over 6 months. You can book 3 sessions back to back, and then have a pause, or whichever way you like.
On Going Monthly Coaching and Mentoring
You are very keen to apply the Syntropic Principles to your business, while also maintaining your own integrity, developing your own stewarding skills, and being challenged in the best way to bring your whole self into the world. AND/OR You might be going through a significant personal transition and seek a place for genuine reflection, radical truth with compassion and a place to safely speak to your emerging future.
Thirty minute Q@A
Interested in purchasing a coaching and mentoring package? Book thirty minutes to have a chat with Christine about possibility, availability and suitability.
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