Adina Vartan
breath, love, live
Arhitectura Placerii
Re-gasește-ți compasul interior. 
Simte-te  acasă în corpul tău. 
Nu amâna fericirea !

Queen of Connection
Unlocking sexuality and partnership potential
It is not too late to live a happy childhood.
Reclaim your innocence - a place of no turning back.

It wasn't your fault.

Re-Claiming Pleasure. Architecture of Pleasure
Life has become an incredible pleasurable journey !
cover image -art Andreea Deszo


We mark our life through rituals in a promise for connection to ourselves and with our bigger nature, in community and intimacy of the virtual space, sharing the field of Aawarness.

We integrate, cleanse, realease, expand, celebrate, nurture, become whole integrating lost part that were lived fully.
In  the sacred space of Ritual in relation, in sisterhood, in the safe space, we get the chance to expand ourselves into 

I am honoured to share this space with you, 

RITUAL-  is a promise for an intimate relationship with ourselves, consacrated to continuity of Life to its cycles and our nature.

I founded Ritual with the intention of creating a place for us to reflect, replenish, and become fully who we were truly meant to be.
Have a  BLAST

High-End coaching package takes people from feeling  disappointed with their life to feeling the joy of life, the Beauty.
Starting with ourselves we cultivate and teach our nervous system that what we desire to experience in this life it is possible, so you will start living from this perspective, you will experience the shift you desire. I am here to testify that the transformation is possible.
The transformation occurs not from trying to be something different than we are, but by gently integrating the blockages, fears, and contractions around our sexuality, hearts, and relationships to reveal the wholeness and health that is our birthright.
The VITA™ method takes the most effective teachings of modern neurobiology, holistic healing, and modern coaching, and blends them with ancient wisdom & teachings. VITA™ stands for: “The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach.”
The VITA™ Method is a transformational process to heal and awaken sexuality. Backed by modern science and empowered by ancient wisdom, we use holistic tools like breathwork, pleasure practices, trauma healing, meditation, energy work, sounding, and movement that can resolve even the deepest issues.

It is a promise of transformation
  •  self love- as a resource for life  truth and re-birth
  • wholeness - a place  to be the best parent for yourself and for your children. being your  own anchor
  • expands the capacity of feeling pleasure- fuel for life
  • a shift  in how you will experience life from now on you wouldn'tbelieve it is possible

It is a 7 weeks journey of self discovery, aw, remembrence.

It is an explosion of what you thought it is life and what actually is life when feeling it fully, joy, present.

It is a tailor made coaching package for co-creating the life we desire.
It is a space for  learning  the nervous system new neuro-networks.

This is a journey of transformation, one that I wouldn't believe it is possible until I took it for myself.

How it enriched my life
with presence, play, connection, knowledge, ease, truth, compassion, joy from within, being my own anchor, trust with life, tools to practice knowing that no matter what I have myself.

What your nervous system will remeber during this journey:
- pleasure as an infinite resource for grow learn and thrive with life.
- breath as a tool for life energy
-  wholeness, being part of a bigger consciousness our nature
- relationship clarity and tools to broke the patterns
- emotional education 

lighting up from within

We learn our nervous system to chose love, safety belonging.


15 weeks journey of 1:1 container &Rituals
What would have been resulted in my burning of witchcraft
In this journey I promise 

sexual liberation
self love
being your own anchor
belonging to a higher self
freedom to be in your whole nature
know your why

Wit is the fulfilment of the longing for connection,

Wit is a practice of remembering  the voice that was silenced in our collective history, the voice of power.

Wit is for reclaiming our nature. 

Wit is a safe space for allowing, surrendering,  to be present in our life experience living it fully.
Belonging, Truth,  Love, Trust, Voice, Acceptance, Power, Safety, Play, Strength and Surrender, yes we can experience all of it.

From scientist to poets, writers, meditators, astronauts, singers, or in common people experiencing a moment of truth, a sense of flow, or pure joy. love, or belonging, they can sense the connection to a wider consciousness.
The community here is one of celebrations,  cleansing and renewal, oneness, self-love.

By using the wisdom that our bodies holds for healing and renewal
We commit to the the life energy to be whole

What is the experience in this container:

- A transformational shift in how life is experienced
embodiment practices
- learning the practice of re-uniting with the body- the key in unlocking the true nature of ourselves
Awakening the body
- restoring connection  to our nature in rituals, dance and in community.
- using, sound, breath, movement
-somatic inquiery
 Alignment with your life by connecting to Continuity in Rituals
- cycles of nature
- menstruation, moon,
- seasons,
- life stages cycles
Self love
- in aw to yourself, 
- reclaim your true essence 
- feeling at home in your body.

Untangling layers of constrictions, barriers of your true essence:  joy, love and freedom. 
Unlearning patterns of conditioning and reveal your true nature- being at home in the body, you will start living fresh.

Learn to be your own parent, to befriend the child within, to nourish scars that screams to be held, and chose a new way of experiencing life, the one that you are longing for, the one of Love.

 You will experience trust, learn about your body boundaries, or imprinted somatic footprints.

Restoring the body-mind connection you will learn 
Learn new ways of approaching life from a state of alignment. 
Learn tools for thriving in your life

Having the tools available in your nervous system to navigate life with ease, alignment, freedom, love is the start of living your Truth
Being in the field of the community,  in 1:1 guided coaching and practices for life long access is 
re-writing your Love Story.

- It is a commitment, a practice, a desire for change, it is a gift to yourself, and to people surrounding you.
- It is place for play, curiosity, discovery,  joy, pleasure, whatever arises is welcomed in this journey.

Have an intention, and be amazed how by putting attention on yourself you change your life.
and you will discover  The Universe is a friendly place.

Meet me

Life Transitions Coach

Sex Love and Relationship Coach
VITA method,  Tantric Approach, Trauma Informed
Somatic coach

I am here for the Beauty of Life.

My healing journey started when I was investigating about my asthma diagnosis, incapacity of feeling at home in my body, always looking for the next destination, never relaxed or present. 

I then discovered deep buried childhood trauma into my system, and I realised that our innate capacity of healing lies in our nervous system, in our bodymind, 

and it is a practice, 

a choice 

The practice is of presence of attention the practice of love

of returning home into our bodies using breath sound, movement, sexuality, emotions, all that makes us humans

I now experience presence, truth to my life,  purpose, freedom, clarity, I own my sexuality for the beauty of it still integrating un-worthyness from my childhood sexual abuse, or attachment wound.

my motivation is my son, his Wholeness.

I live now from an open heart, more compassion toward myself and others, realising our own human consciousness and intra-connectedness, 

Until I educated myself in what is possible by using the tools and practices that science is acknowledging now and ancient traditions were using for thousands of years: breath, sound, movement, body-mind, meditation, body practices, and rituals for connection.

It is the wider perspective of where we all blong to that gives us the hope of overcoming ego and live in devotion to Life itself.

Looking at my kid, I know we are born whole, and everything that comes to us lives marks, unless is repaired, or meet it with love acceptance and connection.

I know now we can re-train our bodymind to live from the place of we desire to live.


The capacity for healing, resides in our nervous system, only if we chose to trust the process 

My mission is to create a more healing, peaceful environment, for mothers, children, to thrive in the beauty of life.

When my intention was about our spiritual nature I could taste that on my own skin- a state of disolving love a flow of energy, one we are all inhabited by, but one we can all access it with practice.

It is a promise to live this life fully, and exactly how we want, when we adress what feels blocking in our journey of life.

I believe it is true what It is said that we can only heal in relationship to others, but addressing our wounds, keeping the connection to our bodies, nurturing it, and choosing ourselves it is a practice.  

I  learned about breath, our bodies constriction facing challenging emotions, how childhood events  determine  our system of beliefs, about attachment, about trauma, but most how we can influence our quality of life just by addressing the body-mind, as a whole, using the qualities of our bodies, breath, sexuality, emotions as fuel.


The power that we all have, it is the power of choice, to transform the narrative we live in.
What science acknowledge and ancient traditions were practicing since ages is methods of connection, to our nature, to our bodies, to nature itself, honouring the ecosystem we are all part of.

The VITA method uses ancient tradition practices, TAO, TANTRA, as well as modern  somatic inquiry.
The qualities of the Heart what is called love is our main drive in life as humans, and where the truth of our lives is where we feel most alive and present.

But seeing  our shaddows accepting ourselves unconditionally it is  what makes us whole.
“There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in”-Leonard Cohen

After addressing my patterns, fear, blockages, with coaching, embodiment practices,  guided meditations, breath, I am now able to experience more safety and trust in life, a sense of freedom, deeper connections, more love and joys of my body, more compassion towards myself and others, more aliveness, playfulness, and Presence. Presence in my own life, Presence in my son's life.

I am committed to spread this healing work as a tribute to Life.

Taking the path of not knowing what you will find next takes a lot of courage and vulnerability but I am here to say that the transformation is possible.

Yes, life is beautifull, we just need to see it.
Acknowledging the Truth of where we are in our journeys, is the path of self awakening and start thriving with life.

Learning and practicing the tools with consistency:

"life has became an incredible journey of love"
I believe we can up-lift each other in a resonant network of human beings, in an evolving collective consciousness.

Follow me on Fb at Adina's Journey

Did you ever felt that you lost the joy of living, the pleasure, the fun ? 

I know the feeling of being disconected from my body, to have fear in relationships and low self esteem, it sucks. This state doesn't allow me to be fully in my life. 

I believe in:

- adressing bodymind' embeded systems of beliefes, society's  or cultural conditioning, familly dynamic, inner child wounds, or any blockages that blocks our desires to flow.

-  Trust in our innate body's capacity of healing and up-lifting

-  pleasure as fuel for life

-  Fun, ease, play, laughter, dance as fuel for our vitality- as energy for life

-  Love as a resonant feeling where we can cultivate Safety, Kindeness, Love, as a state of bodymind, or what we desire to bring in our lives

Transition to Menapause
Embracing this stage of life to  re-birth ourselves into what we always desired to live in this life . 

This is an opportunity to listen to our bodies, to the signals that cannot be ignored.
How our emotional body is influencing our phisycal body there is no mistery anymore.
Our whole life we spend it giving to others, this is the time when we give it to ourselves. Our body is calling us to pay attention, so we can integrate this stage with grace .

This is our chance to use the wisdom of our body to integrate emotional

The wisdom of this stage I found to be  the realisation. The urge to be seen, acknowledged for who we are to take 
There is no more time left to pretend other than embracing our truth.

Here we  allow the time for healing  but also learning to be in sync with our bodies.
We are never ready when the changes occur, but this program gives us the space, time for the integration so much needed for our nervous systems.
So we can come on the other side transformed into we wouldn't believe it is possible.

I invite you to mark this stage in the journey of your life.
Stop and allow yourself to receive:

- the support in a safe container 1:1 somatic coaching
- the ritual
- the practices
- the community

Full Moon ritual
Feel this connection to mastery, accomplishment, celebration, and hedonism throughout this entire practice.

Menstrual cycle alignment
Holding the power of our menstrual cycle 

5 weeks

  • 1:1 coaching session 
  • 4 sessions package of rituals designed to connect with our cyclical nature of our bodies in the power of death and re-birth,
  • We benefit from intelligence, connection and healing that lives in  our cyclical nature 
  • We honour each phases of our cycle with practice and ritual, specifically designed 
  • We learn to trust the intelligence of our bodies, bringing the balance and alignment with life
  • This power that we have but nobody told us it is so precious, our mothers or society didn't teach us,  We can pass it on to our daughters as the most precious gift of our bodies, the miracle of our bodies, the capacity of our bodies to create, birth

We learn to listen to our bodies needs, desires, in sync with our cyclical nature.
We learn to honour it.
We nurture this relationship with the flow of life through our menstrual cycle.
We start trusting deep into our bodies and its capacity to heal from within.
We birth ourselves each month living in sync with the consciousness of our bodies.

Grief Portal
How can anyone say how fast you should get over a heartbreak or death?
I support with grief and loss, and it means that I am supporting you for however long it takes. 
cover foto: Andreea Deszo art
New Identity Series
If you too feel overwhelmed by all this energy is because it envolves many more unconscious layers.
With these series I cultivate compassion, acceptance, courage, that doesn't mean hiding the Grief but feeling it with acceptance, and co-create what we want to live as a felt sense  experience.