Adam Dobay
Neurodivergent consulting for better life and work. Pick what you like and let's start talking!
Pick our neurodivergent brains!
Our 30-minute Curiosity Call for entrepreneurs, freelancers, small business owners, people with neurodiverse teams, the just-diagnosed and those wading their way through the maze towards an assessment. Bring your most pressing question on your neurodivergence and developing adaptations for work, life, or your business!
Drop-in Neurodivergence Session with Adam
6-Session Neurodivergence Training with Adam

We started our consulting work in the neurodivergent space when, after three years of research, we realised that most neurodivergent offerings:
  1. treat ADHD as a fixed box
  2. treat ADHD as a productivity deficit you need to make up for
  3. are made for children, or adapt solutions for children to adults
  4. have learned nothing of the massive scientific breakthroughs from the past two decades that have completely reshaped our understanding on neurodivergence

As a result, they either fall back to stereotypes, misinformation or oversimplification, or simply repackage methods that were created for neurotypical people 30, 50, or 80 years ago.

Neurotypical solutions will just not work for most neurodivergent people.

So doubling down on shaming language, self-discipline and a "just do it" mentality is not just ineffective, it's downright harmful.

What neurodivergent people, with or without a diagnosis, really need is strategies tailored to how our specific brain actually works.

This is why our 6-week package is a uniquely flexible system catered to your needs around the core pillars of focus, goal-setting, time, and life management (aka. "adulting").
2-Session Neurodivergence Problem-Solver with Adam
Someone mentioned ADHD to you. Or Autism. Or OCD. Or you might've seen posts on TikTok, Instagram or LinkedIn that were more confusing than helpful. 

But something is resonating with you in this whole neurodivergence thing.

You might be curious. You might be desperate for answers. You might be thinking of getting a diagnosis. Or you might just want to find out if this whole topic is something you should be bothering with ata ll.

Finally, here's your chance to find out everything you wanted to know about ADHD, Autism, OCD, and all the things inbetween.
The Post-Diagnosis "Now What" Toolkit for Your ADHD, Autism and-or OCD
Getting your diagnosis can bring clarity and relief.

And then comes the flood of insights, A-HA moments, new words for things you couldn't name before, grief, joy, confusion, overwhelm and a ton of questions.

With so many options and changes to tackle, navigating this new chapter of your life alone can quickly get overwhelming.

So lower the difficulty setting on your adventure by enlisting the help of the friendly wizards waving at you outside the tavern. We can't wait to offer our expertise, knowledge of the land, and who knows, maybe even a map. :)
Time Management That Works for ADHD, Autism & Executive Dysfunction
In this 6-session deep dive into your personal time management style, we'll figure out the most effective combination of digital and digital setup for your tasks and to-dos to create your ideal work-life planning setup.

Then we'll match everything with how and when you work best, and figure out adjustments for how to set up your workday so it follows the path of least resistance.