Clarity Call
The Clarity Call is the perfect opportunity to share your health concerns and goals, so we can determine if we are good fit for one another.
The New Healers Society
The Society is a vibrant, supportive healing community of humans like you, navigating the journey towards transforming all aspects of Self. 
Shamanic Energy Healing
We'll tap into Source & the Spirit realm for messages from your guides and ancestors while healing Reiki energy and Light Codes are infused into your biofield.
Functional Medicine & Wellbeing
Functional medicine is a holistic and integrative approach to healing that focuses on identifying root causes of dis-ease for long-term healing and remission of conditions.
Personalized 90-Day Herbal Regimen
Let us personalize the next 90 days of your health. We'll first focus on what you're actively feeling in your brain and body, so that we can craft a 100% customized herbal and lifestyle regimen. 
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